Champions Are Made In The Off-season

Tips For Wrestling Self-Improvement

By: Zoey Lints

If you want to be the best wrestler you can, you will want to improve the most that you can. This takes time, dedication, and a mindset that is always ready for growth. You need to be willing to do what others won’t. This differentiates you and your opponent, who puts in the work? If you are willing to put in work outside of school practices, here’s some tips:

Join Wrestling Summer Camps/Clubs!

Joining wrestling clubs or camps will be very beneficial for your next season. You will get to experience how many different people wrestle and what their style is. This helps you develop techniques and you will be able to defend in matches better.

When you go back to school practice after being in a club or camp for so long, you will have new moves other people won’t have. You will also have a good mindset because others didn’t put the work in that you did. 

Read more about wrestling camps here:

Sign Up and Compete in Tournaments

There are always tournaments going on during the offseason. Even if you have to travel to go there, you will get mat time and improve. You will compete against a variety of people and after reviewing your matches and seeing your mistakes. You will become a better wrestler. 

You can find events at: and 

Stretch and Do Yoga

Stretching is very important and many athletes don’t do it. For all the different positions we get in, we need to be flexible. Being more flexible gives you an advantage as well. When you are in peace doing yoga you are calming your nerves and relaxing which is important for your mental health. The yoga itself contains very deep stretches that will help you become flexible. 

A good yoga video you can follow along with is:

Lift Weights and Do Cardio 

You will face many strong opponents throughout your wrestling career. If you lose because they out-muscled you, that’s a waste of time. Be ready for any opponent. Develop a lifting schedule that hits all different parts of your body. You should also be eating enough protein in the day because this promotes muscle growth. 

At this point, you will have the techniques and be more muscular, but the missing piece is your cardiovascular health. Do you have the gas tank? Running is the most simple way to develop your cardio. This way you are becoming a better wrestler by being able to outdo your opponent.

While they have their hands on their knees out of breath, you are running back to the center of the mat ready to wrestle. When they are exhausted, you will be ready on the whistle to take them down or score points because you have been training cardio and have the muscle. 

You become a better wrestler to achieve your wrestling goals in life. If you don’t have any goals, develop them for motivation. My main goal is to be the best wrestler I can while growing the sport and I am working towards this goal by doing all of the above every day and using social media platforms.

If you want it, chase after it.

1 thought on “Champions Are Made In The Off-season–Tips For Wrestling Self-Improvement”

  1. Pingback: How to Benefit the Most From a Wrestling Practice – Sisterhood of Wrestlers

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