Champions Are Made In The Off-season–Tips For Wrestling Self-Improvement

If you want to be the best wrestler you can, you will want to improve the most that you can. This takes time, dedication, and a mindset that is always ready for growth. You need to be willing to do what others won’t. This differentiates you and your opponent, who puts in the work? If you are willing to put in work outside of school practices, here’s some tips:

How She Found Confidence In Wrestling-Aniah’s Story

All of the other wrestlers looked so much stronger and experienced than I was. My mindset was “just don’t get pinned”. I didn’t even allow myself the chance to think I had a possibility at winning. My matches came up and although I lost all of them that day(besides a forfeit with one of my opponents not showing up). I walked off the mats with the biggest smile on my face. I had my first real taste of the sport and I couldn’t wait to go again, to try something different, and to get better.

The Dark Side of Girls Wrestling

On our very first tournament, we were coached by two of our friends on the boy’s JV team. It felt like we weren’t important enough to even have a coach in our corner. The next week we were asked to clean the boy’s mats because the “girls had to do it.” I had no problem doing so, but it felt wrong. We couldn’t even have a practice without being looked at disgustingly and we had to help clean. I wanted to quit so bad because I didn’t feel welcomed. Just fighting to be on the team, was mentally and emotionally draining.

How to Survive Wrestling Practice on Your Period

How to Survive Wrestling Practice on Your Period By Katie Cantrell  A lot of girl wrestlers struggle with their period, especially when competing or in practice. Here are some tips to survive shark week when wrestling! Bring Multiple Pads/Tampons!!! If you’re not comfortable wearing a tampon, try an overnight thick pad! I know your singlet …

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